Jul 25, 2009

Tribe of Betawi

Tribe of Betawi

Tribe of Betawi come from result of antaretnis kawin-mawin and nation in the past. By biologis, they who confess as a Betawi [is] clan of bloody clan [of] multifarious mixture [of] nation and tribe delivered by Dutch to Batavia. What referred [as] with tribe or people of Betawi in fact counted new comer [in] Jakarta. this Ethnical Group born from solidarity various other ethnical group which have in advance live [in] Jakarta, like sundanese, Java, Arab, Bali, Sumbawa, Ambon, Malay and of Tionghoa.

Word of Betawi used to express original tribe which dwell Jakarta and used Creol Malay [it], as well as culture of Malay. Word of Betawi in fact come from word " Batavia," that is ancient name [of] Jakarta given by Dutch.

Early by sundanese ( majority), before century 16th and come into Empire of Tarumanegara and also later;then Pakuan Pajajaran. Besides sundanese, there are also foreign seaman and merchant of north coastal area [of] Java, from various Indonesia East island, of Malaka [in] peninsula of Malaya, even from Tiongkok and also Gujarat [in] India

Antropolog University Indonesia, Dr. Yasmine Zaki Shahab, MA estimate, ethnically [of] Betawi just formed a century then, year 1815-1893. This estimate [is] based of demography history study resident of blazed the way [by] Jakarta [is] Australian historian, Lance Castle. [In] Dutch colonial epoch, governmental always census, made pursuant to ethnical faction or nation [of] him. In census data resident of Jakarta year 1615 and 1815, there are resident from various ethnical faction, but [there] no note concerning ethnical faction [of] Betawi

House of Bugis [in] upstate of Jl. Mango Two [in] kampong area of Bugis started in the year 1690. In the early century to 20 this still there are some house like this [in] Town area. Result of year census 1893 showing the loss of a number of previous ethnical faction there [is]. just For example is [of] Arab people and of Moor, Sunda and Javanese, Sulawesi South people, people of Sumbawa, people of Ambon and of Banda, and Malay people

In the year 1930, people category of Betawi previous have never there [is] exactly emerge as new category in year census data. People amount of Betawi counted 778. and become majority resident of Batavia at that time

other Antropolog University Indonesia, Prof Dr Parsudi Suparlan express, awareness as a Betawi in the early forming of that ethnical group also not yet grown on. In everyday assocciation, they [is] a more regular mention x'self pursuant to their residence lokalitas, like Major people, people of Senen, or people of Rawabelong

Confession to existence of people of Betawi as a ethnical group and as set of politics and social in broader scope, namely Indies Dutch, new emerge in the year 1923, moment of Husni Thamrin, elite figure of Betawi found Perkoempoelan Kaoem Betawi. New by then also the whole people of Betawi conscious [of] them represent a faction, namely people faction of Betawi

There [is] also having a notion that people of Betawi [do] not only including mixture society in fortress of Batavia woke up by Dutch but also include;cover resident outside fortress [is] so-called proto society [of] Betawi. Local Resident outside fortress of Batavia the have used Malay, used occasionally [in] Sumatra, what [is] later;then made as national language. This matter happened because [at] century of ke-6, monarchic [of] Sriwijaya attack monarchic center [of] Tarumanagara which located in upstate of Jakarta so that influence of Malay very strong here

Besides, agreement [among/between] Surawisesa ( Monarchic king [of] Sunda) with Portuguese in the year 1512 enabling Portugis to develop;build a[n community [in] Sunda of Kalapa result marriage of mixture [among/between] local resident with Portuguese degrading mixed blood of Portugis. Of this community born music keroncong music

Since is final [of] last century and specially after independence ( 1945), Jakarta inundated [by] immigrant from entire/all Indonesia, so that people of Betawi — in whatever meaning — remain as minority. In the year 1961, ' tribe' Betawi include;cover more or less 22,9 percentage of 2,9 million resident of Jakarta by then. They progressively go to the wall to boundary, crowded even and digusur of tergusur out Jakarta. Although frankly, ’ tribe’ Betawi is not have or tergusur of digusur of Jakarta, because process assimilate from various tribe exist in Indonesia up to now continue to take place and [pass/through] that long process also ’ tribe’ Betawi attend under the sun Nusantara.

Nature of random in dialect of Betawi [is] reflection of culture of Betawi in general, representing result of assorted marriage [of] culture, both for coming from other areas [in] Nusantara and also foreign culture

There [is] also having a notion that tribe inhabiting area of around Batavia [is] also grouped as tribe of Betawi early is ( proto [of] Betawi). According to history, Monarchic [of] Tarumanagara, which centering [in] Sundapura or Sunda of Kalapa, have been attacked and conquered by empire of Sumatranese Sriwijaya. Therefore, no wonder if is ethnical [of] Sunda [in] port of Sunda of Kalapa, far before Oath Young man, have used Malay, used occasionally [in] Sumatra, what [is] later;then made as national language

Because difference of the used Ianguage hence in the early century of ke-20, Dutch assume one who live in [about/around] Batavia as different ethnical ethnically Sunda and mentioning [him/ it] as is ethnical [of] Betawi ( word of[is born of Batavia). Although that way, still many name of river name and area which [is] still defended in Sundanese like the saying of Ancol, Pancoran, Cilandak, Ciliwung, Cideng ( coming from Cihideung and later;then turn into Cideung and of tearkhir become Cideng), and others which still as according to naming which [is] depicted in codex of Bujangga Manik[1] what [is] in this time kept [by] [in] library of Bodleian, Oxford, English

Though formal Ianguage which used [by] [in] Jakarta [is] Indonesian, informal Ianguage or everyday parlance [is] dialectal Indonesian [of] Betawi

In the field of artistry, for example, people of Betawi have art of Gambang Kromong coming from music art of Tionghoa, but also there [is] Rebana taking root [at] Arab music tradition, Music keroncong Monument with background of Portugis-Arab,Dan Tanjidor which [is] have background [to] of ke-Belanda-an. In this time Tribe of Betawi famous with art of Lenong, Gambang Kromong, Rebana Tanjidor and Music keroncong

Nature of campur-aduk in dialect of Betawi [is] reflection of culture of Betawi in general, representing result of assorted marriage [of] culture, both for coming from other areas [in] Nusantara and also foreign culture. In the field of artistry, for example, people of Betawi have art of Gambang Kromong coming from music art of Tiongkok, but also there [is] Rebana taking root [at] Arab music tradition, Music keroncong Monument with background of Portugis-Arab,Dan Tanjidor which [is] have background [to] of ke-Belanda-an

By biologis, they who confess as a Betawi [is] clan of bloody clan [of] multifarious mixture [of] nation and tribe. They [is] result of antaretnis kawin-mawin and nation in the past

People of Betawi most embracing Islam, but embracing Christian religion; Protestant and of Katholik also there [is] but only a few once. [Among/Between] tribe of Betawi which believe in Christian, there [is] expressing that them [is] clan of mixture [among/between] local resident with Portuguese. This fair matter because in the early century of ke-16, Surawisesa, Sunda king make an agreement with Portugis enabling Portugis develop;build warehouse and fortress [in] port of Sunda of Kalapa [is] so that formed [by] community of Portugis [in] Sunda of Kalapa. Community of Portugis this now there [is] still and Monument kampong area Remain to Jakarta North

[In] Jakarta, people of Betawi before era development of new order, divided to the some profession according to regional scope ( their kampung) each. For example [in] Mangosteen kampong and [about/around] Rawabelong met many [all] farmer of flower ( orchid, japan kemboja, and others). And in general becoming many teacher, instructor, and educator for example K.H. Djunaedi, K.H. Suit, etc. Profession merchant, pembatik also acted many by clan of betawi. Farmer and of pekebun also public acted by Mangosteen citizen

Kampong which now more knowledgeable with Brass [is] place [all] breeder of dairy cattle. Kampong Gaffer where land;ground [do] not as fertile as Mangosteen. Gaffer, back, kunfu champion many [in] meeting there for example Ji'Ih comrade in arms of Pitung of Rawabelong. [In] kampong of Paseban many citizen [is] white colars worker clan since Dutch epoch first, even ability of pencak of their kunfu nor hesitated. Teacher, instructor, ustadz, and frequent retailer profession also acted

Citizen of Tebet [his/its] original [is] people of Betawi Senayan gusuran, because that Its moment it[him] Fella of Karno cause citizen of Betawi exodus to Tebet and its surroundings to " perforced to" smoothly making of athletic complex [of] Billow Fella of Karno which we recognize this time. Because ethnical notching asal-muasal [of] them [is] multikultur ( people of Nusantara, Tionghoa, India, Arab, Dutch, Portugis, and others), profession of[is each clan accomodated [by] [at] way of ethnical notching approach and ethnical hotchpotch [of] each base

Assumption most people about society of Betawi this seldom be a success, goodness in economic facet, education, and technology. Though by dozens people of Betawi a success. Some from them [is] Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Benyamin Sueb, and Fauzi Bowo becoming Governor of Jakarta in this time

There are some matter which are positive from Betawi for example social [Soul/ head] [of] them very high, although sometimes in some cases too excessive and tend to tendensius. people of betawi also very is taking care of [of] religion values which [is] mirror of parent teaching ( especially which believe in islam), to its childs. society of Betawi very is esteeming [of] pluralisme. this matter seen with good society of betawi and other people from outside Jakarta

people of Betawi very is respecting [of] culture which they inherit. [is] proven from behavior most citizen which [is] mesih play endowed culture or act from time to time like lenong, ondel-ondel, kromong gambang, and others

(It) is true cannot deny that existence most society of betawi present day rather pulled over by modernization [in] farm born alone him ( read : Jakarta). immanent but optimism of society of betawi generation come which exactly will sustain the modernization


  1. Castles, Lance The Ethnic Profile of Jakarta, Indonesia vol.I, Ithaca: Cornell University April 1967
  2. Guinness, Patrick The attitudes and values of Betawi Fringe Dwellers in Djakarta, Berita Antropologi 8 (September), 1972, pp. 78–159
  3. Knoerr, Jacqueline Im Spannungsfeld von Traditionalität und Modernität: Die Orang Betawi und Betawi-ness in Jakarta, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 128 (2), 2002, pp. 203–221
  4. Knoerr, Jacqueline Kreolität und postkoloniale Gesellschaft. Integration und Differenzierung in Jakarta, Frankfurt & New York: Campus Verlag, 2007
  5. Saidi, Ridwan. Profil Orang Betawi: Asal Muasal, Kebudayaan, dan Adat Istiadatnya
  6. Shahab, Yasmine (ed.), Betawi dalam Perspektif Kontemporer: Perkembangan, Potensi, dan Tantangannya, Jakarta: LKB, 1997
  7. Wijaya, Hussein (ed.), Seni Budaya Betawi. Pralokarya Penggalian Dan Pengem¬bangannya, Jakarta: PT Dunia Pustaka Jaya, 1976

obtained from "http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suku_Betawi"

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